Frequently Asked Questions

Website FAQ's

How much will it cost for a new website?

How long will it take to build my website?

What is the website design and development process?

What do you use to build websites?

Will my website be mobile-friendly?

Who writes the content for the site?

Will you do the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for my website?

Do you set up the domain and hosting for my website?

Who owns the website after it is built?

Will I be able to update the site myself when it is finished?

When do I pay?

How much input do I have in the process/ how many revisions are included?

What businesses do you work with?

Branding & Logo Design FAQ's

How much will it cost for a new logo/design?

What kind of designs do you create?

How long will it take to design?

How many revisions are included in the price?

What kind of files will I get after the final design is complete?

Who owns the copyright on the design?

When do I pay?

Digital Marketing & Advertising FAQ's

What are your digital marketing services and how are they priced?

How long does it take to see results?

How does digital marketing help my business grow?

When do I pay?

Free consultation

Have any more questions?

Schedule a free strategy consultation to get your questions answered and discuss more about what your business needs to grow.